This Masterplan provides for a new community of 4,000 dwellings with associated town centre uses over 107 acres in the largest underdeveloped area in Dublin City between the Royal Canal and the Tolka Valley.
The 1998 plan incorporated enlightened environmental policies and sought the highest sustainability targets, while providing an urban quarter with a distinct sense of place, bookended by canal-side local centres at each end of the site.
Following adoption of an Action Area Plan which was informed by our masterplan, O’Mahony Pike Architects prepared detailed proposals for two significant phases of the development. Between 1998 and 2015, we completed approximately 1,200 dwellings in a range of typologies, including an innovative courtyard model, construction of the Village Square, and a network of public spaces including an extension to the canal towpath to create a new docking bay for barges overlooked by retail and restaurant uses.